Testing for the purpose of confirming conformity is an element of a system of measures aimed at confirming the conformity of actual product characteristics with the requirements of regulatory documents in order to obtain reliable information in the relationship between manufacturers and consumers of products.
When confirming compliance, tests should be carried out only by testing centers or laboratories accredited in the national accreditation system as a testing laboratory (center) and included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Test Laboratories (Centers) of the Customs Union.
Let rid you of the difficulties in finding organizations for testing - contact TEST-ENGINEERING Ltd. We fully have all the necessary regulatory documents and equipment for this activity. And the main - we have the invaluable experience of highly qualified specialists of TEST-ENGINEERING Ltd. in the field of providing these services.
For a free consultation, you can contact us convenient way, for example, by calling
+7 (4932) 50-91-72, 34-64-38
or send a request by e-mail: info@test-e.ru.