testing, examination, certification, declaring
+7 (4932) 50-91-72
+7 (4932) 34-64-38
9 January Street, 7A, office 412, 409, 153002,Ivanovo,Russia,info@test-e.ru
Рус Eng

Identification of equipment before conformity assessment

When preparing an application for confirmation of compliance, some applicants have difficulties related in most cases with an inaccurate description of the product, and hence the definition of HS codethe Custom Union.

To avoid mistakes, the declarant shall prepare some documents, such as technical product passport, design and technological documentation determining the structure of the device and the product; technical description with parameters (characteristics) and data about used structural materials, technical specifications, general drawings, assembly drawings, drawing of separate units ...

These documents will reduce the time to identify and minimize the amount of "gaps", which in turn can cause the significant property damage.

There are cases where the applicant carries out conformity assessment of products in the form of declaring by defining mistakenly the category of technical regulating. For example, the declaration on the Chinese builders hoists model ZLP or SC is a mistake, as they relate to the lifting equipment and are subject to obligatory certification.

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You can contact us convenient manner, for example, by calling +7 (4932) 50-91-72, 34-64-38 or send a request by e-mail and in the near time our experts will contact you