On 15.02.2013 on the territory of the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan (hereinafter - CU) are introduced uniform mandatory for application and enforcement the requirements for devices operating on gaseous fuels (hereinafter - the gas-powered equipment)
The gas-powered equipment in CU means :
a) equipment used for cooking, heating and hot water systems, including equipment in structure of combined apparatus;
b) block automatic burners and gas-powered equipment with automatic block burners, mentioned above ;
c) a device destined for integration in equipment and being in circulation separately from the equipment mentioned above, including devices of control, regulation and safety.
Conformity assessment can be carried out in the form a certification or declaration. Forms conformity assessment provided for certain kinds (types) of gas equipment, are listed in Annex 1 of the TR CU 016/2011 "On safety of devices, operating on fuel gas". For example, the certification shall be subject to the following equipment:
Name of equipment |
Code CU Commodity Classification of Foreign Economic Activity |
1. Gas household heater apparatuses (heating units and combined units with a water circuit, airheater) |
7321 81 100 0 7321 81 900 0 7322 90 000 0 |
2. Tankless gas water heaters apparatuses |
8419 11 000 0 |
3. Tank capacity gas water heaters apparatuses |
8419 19 000 0
4. Heating boilers, gas-fired, including boilers with block the blow burners |
8403 10
5. Gas burners and dual block industrial burners |
8416 20 100 0 8416 20 900 0
6. Gas industrial air heaters, (recuperative and mixing), including air heaters with block blow burners, air-conditioning with integrated gas airheaters, gas-fired heat generators for farm buildings |
7322 90 000 0 8415
For example, the declaring shall be subject to the following equipment:
Name of equipment |
Code CU Commodity Classification of Foreign Economic Activity |
Gas pressure regulating and shut-off / safety valves (automatic shut-off valves, pressure regulators, thermoelectric flame detector, valves, mechanical thermostats, multi-function devices) |
8481 40 8481 80 591 0 8481 80 819 0 9032 10 890 0 |
The applicant for certification may be a legal or natural person as an individual entrepreneur registered in accordance with the legislation of the Customs Union member in its territory. It can be at scheme of certification 1c either the manufacturer or the person performing the functions of the foreign manufacturer, at the schemes 3c - 4c either the manufacturer or the person performing the functions of the foreign manufacturer or the seller.
The amount work on conformity depends on chosen scheme.
The certification procedure includes the following procedures:
the submission by the applicant in certification body an application for the products certification with the technical documentation required by the technical regulations;
the consideration of an application and acceptance of a decision by the certification body;
the choice of production samples for testing by the certification body;
testing of selected machinery by accredited testing laboratory;
carrying out analysis of the production state the manufacturer by the certification body (for scheme 1c);
the assessment of the test results, documentation, analysis of production state and decision making for certification by the certification body;
issuing to the applicant a certificate of conformity if a decision is positive;
the application of unified circulation mark on market;
inspection control over the certified products (for scheme 1c).

On the market there are a lot of new imported equipment. As a rule, it has safety certificates the countries of manufacturers. But in order to gas equipment has been approved for use in the Customs Union, it must be certified for compliance with TR CU 016/2011. Safety requirements in different countries may vary.