testing, examination, certification, declaring
+7 (4932) 50-91-72
+7 (4932) 34-64-38
9 January Street, 7A, office 412, 409, 153002,Ivanovo,Russia,info@test-e.ru
Рус Eng

About the person executing functions of the foreign manufacturer

What is a person performing the functions of the foreign manufacturer (Authorized Representative) in Custom Union (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan) at carrying out certification and declaring?

An Person performing the functions of the foreign manufacturer (also called Authorized Representative) is a subject, which is entrusted with the responsibility for the conformity of products of foreign manufacturers (manufacturer) requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, that is:

  • firstly, it should be legal or natural person registered in the prescribed manner by the Member State of the Customs Union;
  • secondly, it must enter into a contract with the manufacturer for carrying out actions on its behalf for conformity assessment and placement of product on the common customs territory of the Customs Union;
  • thirdly, in the contract between that person and the manufacturer should be distributed responsibility for non-conformance to the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union.

However, the person performing the functions of the foreign manufacturer (authorised representative) must have some responsibilities, that must be to settle by contract. For instance it might have a right to carry out the appropriate conformity assessment procedure. It might have a right to carry out the marking of products unified mark of product circulation on the market of the Member States of the Customs Union and to give an operating documentation on national language.

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