testing, examination, certification, declaring
+7 (4932) 50-91-72
+7 (4932) 34-64-38
9 January Street, 7A, office 412, 409, 153002,Ivanovo,Russia,info@test-e.ru
Рус Eng

Non-destructive testing laboratory

Laboratory Nondestructive Testing «TEST ENGINEERING Ltd.» is certified by JSC "RusEC" (certificate of attestation № 52A022451 on December 12, 2014) for works on non-destructive testing on the boiler inspection objects and hoisting machines.

Head of the Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing - Kurkin Sergey.

Works are spent by in-house staff of «TEST ENGINEERING Ltd.», with a long experience in the field of visual and measurement inspection, dye penetrant inspection, magnetic-analysis inspection, ultrasonic control.

Diagnosed objects:

  • Boiler inspection facilities: steam and hot water boilers, electric boilers, vessels working under pressure over 0.07 MPa, piping for steam and hot water for a working steam pressure over 0.07 MPa and a water temperature above 115 C, chamber;
  • Lifting facilities: cranes, lifts, cable cars, funiculars, escalators, elevators, crane-pipelayers, platform lifts for the disabled, crane roads;
  • Building construction (building objects).

Quality monitoring and diagnostics used in the lab:

  • ultrasonic
  • magnetic
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  • penetrant
  • visual and measurement

About us

We also offer the following services

You can contact us convenient manner, for example, by calling +7 (4932) 50-91-72, 34-64-38 or send a request by e-mail and in the near time our experts will contact you