Acceptance of the declaration of conformity (hereinafter - the declaring of conformity) is a form of obligatory conformity assurance [under the Federal Law № 184-ФЗ "About technical regulation"].
Declaring of conformity carried out by one of the following schemes:
- assuming of the conformity declaration (supplier's declaration) based on their own proofs;
- assuming of the conformity declaration (supplier's declaration) based on proofs obtained with the participation of the certification body or an accredited testing laboratory (center), included in the Unified Register of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) of the Customs Union (third party).
- or being the manufacturer
- or a seller (for the party),
- or executing the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of a contract with it regarding the conformity assurance of delivered products to the requirements of technical regulations and regarding the responsibility for nonconformity of delivered products to the requirements of technical regulations (the person executing the functions of a foreign manufacturer).
- accessories for lifting operations,
- electric (chain and wire rope) hoists,
- conveyors,
- valves,
- excavators etc.
- the safety case;
- operational documents (passport, operation manual, installation and maintenance manual);
- a list of standards which these machines and (or) equipment have to conform to requirements (when used by the manufacturer);
- the contract (supply contract) (for the party, a single product), or shipping documentation (for the party, a single product);
- certificate quality management system of the manufacturer (if available);
- information about the investigations (if any);
- machine and (or) equipment testing protocols of the manufacturer, seller or person executing functions of the foreign manufacturer, and (or) test laboratories (centers) (if any);
- certificates of compliance for materials and components and protocols of their tests (if any);
- certificates of conformity for these machines and (or) equipment provided by foreign certification bodies (if any);
- other documents, directly or indirectly, confirming compliance with the machines and (or) equipment safety requirements of these technical regulations (if any).
When declaring the conformity the applicant may be both legal or natural person, registered according to the legislation of the member state of the Customs Union in its territory,
When declaring the conformity on the basis of own proofs the applicant shall independently form the evidentiary materials for the purpose of conformity assurance of products to the requirements of technical regulations. The technical documentation, the results of own researches (tests) and measurements and (or) other documents, which can serve as the motivated basis for conformity assurance of products to the requirements of technical regulations, shall be used as evidentiary materials. The set of evidentiary materials shall be defined by appropriate technical regulation.
Selection scheme of declaring is performed by the applicant on the basis of the scheme of declaring provided for the relevant technical regulations.
The declaration of conformity and certificate of conformity have equal legal force.
A number of technical regulations from the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan are came into effect since 15 February 2013.
You can read more detail of their content on the website of the Eurasian Economic Commission (Customs Union) and at this link.
Declaring of conformity carried out by the applicant for machines and (or) equipment included in the list of objects of technical regulation coming under conformity assessment to requirements the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 010/2011 "On the safety of machines and equipment" in the form of conformity declaring given in Annex № 3.
Among them are
The applicant can apply to the certification body to carry out a certification instead of declaring of conformity under schemes of certification equivalised schemes of declaring of conformity which are provided for machines and (or) equipment with technical regulations, including the absence or insufficiency of the applicant's own proofs confirming compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations.
The typical list of documents to be used when performing work on conformity and determine the requirements for these works:
If the applicant has a conformity declaration (supplier’s declaration) to requirements of the Technical Regulation, he does not need to get RTN Permit use, but it does not exempt from necessity of carrying out the examination of industrial safety.
Information about the declaration of conformity or the certificate of conformity must be specified in the passport machines and (or) equipment.
The declaration of conformity shall be registered in accordance with the procedure approved by the Commission of the Customs Union. The declaration of conformity becomes effective from the date of registration. Duration of the declaration of compliance is not more than 5 years.
The applicant must keep the declaration of conformity and evidentiary materials for ten years from the date expiration of the declaration of conformity.
We draw attention also that the applicant is required to provide a declaration of conformity and the evidentiary materials on request of the federal enforcement authority authorized to the implementation of state control (supervision) over observance of requirements technical regulations.
Application for registration of the declaration of conformity of products you can download here.