testing, examination, certification, declaring
+7 (4932) 50-91-72
+7 (4932) 34-64-38
9 January Street, 7A, office 412, 409, 153002,Ivanovo,Russia,info@test-e.ru
Рус Eng
Certification and

Certification and declaring

Assessment of conformity product with  
specified requirement may be voluntary

(in the form of voluntary certification) or

obligatory (the declaration of Conformity or

obligatory certification

& Control

Tests & Control

If the technical regulations do not set

some form of conformity assessment

of machinery or equipment mandatory

requirements, they are subject to

inspection of industrial safety ...


Non-destructive testing

Our experience in the manufacture of

non-destructive testing / repair of machines

helps to assess their quality and, consequently,

the correctness of the process ...


Other services

Translation of technical documentation

Making of documentation

Certification center Test Engineering

Dear visitors of our site!
Let me welcome You on behalf of the company

Correct  executed and registered certificate and declaration of conformity (GOST R, TR)  are powerful tools for business development.  The manufacturer or seller   becomes immediately a serious player the Russian market of sales if available.  At the same time, their lack of or incorrect making up can throw you far back,  which can lead to financial loss (for example due to non-participation in the  tender, downtime at customs, etc.). Therefore, having confirmed compliance  theirs production with the requirements of  standards and technical  regulations, some well-known large companies for a long time occupied a large  sector of the market, and have made ​​more money in Russia. Do you want to make  money with them? Do you want that customers and government agencies did not make  a complaint to your product? Do you want that customers were not laughing over  the documentation supplied with the product? Welcome to site of "TEST  ENGINEERING Ltd."

"TEST ENGINEERING Ltd." is accredited by Rosakkreditatsiya to confirm product compliance with technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 010/2011 "On the Safety of machinery and equipment" and TR CU 016/2011 "On safety of devices, operating on fuel gas"«On the safety of high pressure equipment» (TR CU 032/2013). The Certification body and the testing laboratory of "Test Engineering Ltd." are included in the Unified Register of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) of the Customs Union.

"TEST ENGINEERING Ltd." guided in its activities requirements of international and national standards, guidelines, and requirements of international, national and regional certification systems imposed to evaluate production, Charter Company "TEST ENGINEERING" and the Quality manual.

Say at once that certification is not just getting the paper sheet. This is a quite a number of treatments, including the verification of production, testing a typical model, models of a representative with maximum capacities or machines from the series. This is a analysis of documentation, design drawings, calculations for compliance with Russian safety requirements. During operation, our specialists can detect inconsistencies and make recommendations to address them. Knowing these things is a good competitive advantage over similar companies. Some manufacturers are aware of this and therefore sell goods to Russia with the least effort.

Our specialists certified not only the Russian mashines and equipments. They visited many times European, Asian and other factories (including in Ukraine, Belarus, China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Turkey, the United States) and know well features of the production of foreign technics.

Besides, sometimes outside perspective can reveal shortcomings that the manufacturer had not paid attention. And it can concern not only the design of machines, but also the operational documentation.

We are professionals, so you will not be ashamed after our work before the consumer for the quality of operational documentation. Everyone knows It's the first thing a consumer sees before using the machine .

Activity aspects of
  • Legality
    • We have all necessary certificates and licenses for working. All our reporting documents have legal effect.
  • Customer Orientation
    • All consultations are free
    • Individual approach and flexible pricing policy
  • Integrated solutions
    • We can prepare for the customer all the documents needed for the products to be implemented into the Russian market